Much left-web sillyness re Polanski. If you think 'rejected prosecution accusation' = 'fact it's reasonable to assert', go read the Mail... # Joy in heaven over 1 sinner who repents? RT @antonvowl Sun Hillsborough disgrace was before it backed Labour. They should've complained then # It's amusing, for some values thereof, to know that most … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-10-04
Tag: Twitter roundups
This is true, but not how he suggests RT @tygerland You think you can write, then you read AA Gill and you consider alternative careers # I like this: - good to be reminded that GB is popular abroad, despite ignorant witch-hunting domestically # "You should update Adobe Flash Player right now" - no, … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-09-27
Just caught up on the Adebayor stuff. As is often the case, football confuses me. # Stamping on Persie's face v bad, victory dance in front of Gooner fans hilarious - but he seems to be getting most stick for the latter # Bloody rain. Actually, bloody rain would be far better than the watery … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-09-20
Made 2359 Stansted Express off 2330 Ryanair arrival. Yay speed-walking and ruthlessness # In the town where I was born, just long enough for the train to stop and start again. Maybe one day I'll get out & see what it's like # just moved to new office. sadly a) is building site b) nearby … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-09-13
RT @DrSamuelJohnson The Tory sees the BBC as a Nest of Whigs, the Whig sees it as a Nest of Tories, when 'tis a Nest of FOPS # Conjecture: if someone's been dead over 5 years, then IT'S ANCIENT HISTORY JUST FUCKING LET IT GO. See: Lockerbie, Chappaquiddick, etc. # Half a day more work. … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-09-06
Chris Grayling is halfwit #Britainisntbrokenyouridiculousjokers # Blimey, the right-whingers are going mental at Kennedy's death. I reckon "40 years political service" outweighs "once crashed a car" # The phrase "I'm not being funny" is almost invariably correct. # Early night w00t # Complete this sentence: "Fraser Nelson is the new ...." # Anton Vowl … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-08-30
The Awl is brilliant ( - and no, I'm not getting paid to say that # The staff of my local Pret have all gone on a jolly to New York, and been replaced by equally enthusiastic, but less ept, stand-ins. # CO2 emissions aside, I strongly approve of big co's sending baristas and sandwichmakers … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-08-23
Top tip: if the only wine in the house is undrinkably foul & white, and you're out of Creme de Cassis, mix with Ribena for a Value Kir # Top tip #2: pork marinaded in port, soy, vinegar and mustard is almost as good as using red wine. #hopingmailordercasearrivestomorrow # Rule of thumb: anything the … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-08-16
I backed a horse that came in at ten to one. unfortunately it was running in the 1130 #oldjokesfornogoodreason # (yes, I know that slating alcohol marketing isn't normally how I roll, but the JW ad was fucking egregious) # Sometimes I forget ppl like @hematuria and @anattendantlord are many hrs ahead, and briefly assume … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-08-09
'Compare seu QI' is a current trending topic. OK then: slightly enriched uranium is less good than @stephenfry's quiz show # RT @Herring1967 I have been overwhelmed with messages of support and commiseration and am ending the day feeling a bit sorry for Brian Logan # Maybe my LC piece (live tomorrow AM, waiting-for-not-very-exciting-things fans) … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-08-02