I'm not saying blogging is obsolete, just that I've had a lot of outlets for my views lately that aren't here, and also everything* has been sufficiently terrible that I'm not sure I want to publicly express some of the views, etc etc. But I try and do this sort of thing at least once … Continue reading I have ruined the weird sidebar shape
Tag: slightly self-indulgent metablogging
In an example of 'embarrassing lack of imagination', I'm going to post the top words that my phone believes I want to type when presented with a given letter. Maybe this could be a new meme, if people are really that bored. NB I use my phone to blog, Twitter and send work emails, as … Continue reading Top words
As you may have noticed, I haven't updated for a while, as I've been in the poorest country outside of Africa (*) with only a mobile phone for connectivity. And while my mobile phone is more of a mini-laptop, it's not really conducive to full-on blogging. And while I haven't checked rates, I'm fairly sure … Continue reading They call me Black Stacey