UKIP aren't just comedy loons, they're lying bigots: #ukiparetwats # Green Party in 'don't understand decentralised decision-making or economics; are hacks' shock: # Eric Moody may be an ex-BA captain, but he's also a disgraceful rentaquote hack: # CNN were reading off messageboard posts from an unmoderated aeroplane fans' forum last night … Continue reading Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-07
[in response to 'fancy going for a beer'?] I will need pure alochol when this shite is over. When, exactly, it's over I don't know
Quote of the day: I’m not sure I can vote UKIP: rather like voting for Hitler because you like his re-armament policies and hope that the bit about the Jews was mostly for show.. Starting a single-issue party that's obsessively dedicated to ending a flawed-but-democratically-elected transnational institution's influence over what happens in your country by … Continue reading The uniforms were also pretty
Not enjoying return to work. Feel utterly poleaxed, even though Monday was a day of great sobriety and moderation. # "What's *like* Butt Hole but slightly more polite?" "I know, 'Archer'!" # @antonvowl @billybragg bloody hell, that's some scary voodoo you've got there # Germans in 'even more terrifyingly insane than us' award: … Continue reading Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-31
What the ignorant paranoiac says: The threat [of Terribly Bad Things if the Tories don't abolish all public services, taxes, etc] is abstract, but needs to be made real. What this means: There isn't actually a disastrous crisis that means we'll need to abolish all public services, taxes, etc, but if we lie that there … Continue reading Longer Fraser Nelson
...or could it be something a little more sinister? Mr Vowl, we need answers...
"Why is the misfortune of losing a pet worthy of more consolation than the much greater one of being stupid?" # A sledgehammer to crack a nutjob: #sackdorries #reformdaftenglishlibellaw #thebarclaybrothersarevilecrooks # Victoria Coren is t3h excellents: # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Freemania has done tagged me with a meme: 7 things I love. Not in order, and probably not accurate. 1) intelligent girl-pop. c.f. 2) Chris Morris. Explanation required? Go elsewhere. 3) London. Everything about London. Name a thing you don't like about London and I'll like it. Well, apart from fiver-a-mile cab fares. 4) Writing. … Continue reading Meme meme meme
This is one of the most interesting and considered pieces I've read, on a subject where it'd be easy to descend into dogma and slating. Read it. Speaking of corrupt and debased legal systems' inability to satisfy victims' families' need for justice, this is also SKILLS:
This is unimaginably, insanely dreadful: The John Band - Maten al Criminal I'm going to have to sue them right now, before Nick Cohen and the New Scientist get the libel laws abolished...