From the list of 'things that don't get said very often', here's a very sensible comment from CiF on the Total refinery strike: I'm very sorry to say it, but these wildcat strikers are idiots. Nothing wrong with striking at all - but always, always, always make sure it is an official strike endorsed by … Continue reading Strikes: yes; wildcats: no
In much the same way that most Literal Music Videos aren't funny, most mash-ups aren't funny. In much the same way that the Total Eclipse Of The Heart LMV was epic genius, this is epic genius. And really rather sweet:
You may already have seen this, it's been over the Internets for a while. But if you haven't, you need it; it is quite literally the funniest thing ever:
Just sent this letter to the Observer's readers editor: Re: 'Light-touch' reforms raise fears of new bank disaster This article from Sunday 12 June has one of the most inaccurate sentences I've ever seen anywhere: "Critics point out that it was a subsidiary of Northern Rock, Granite, that contained the liabilities that led to the … Continue reading We write letters
Can some Eurologist like @nosemonkey explain how the BNP got a seat in NW on 8% of vote, but not in E Mids or NE on more than that? # RT @qwghlm In case you haven't seen it already, B3ta sums it up best #theBNParetwats # Thanks everyone. Why on earth didn't they make … Continue reading Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-14
That's 'as a conversational topic', not 'with a blunt instrument', sadly. Two BNPish things, and then I'll leave the buggers alone til the next election: 1) I've a new post on LC about education, immigration and The White Working Class. 2) Is the BNP racist? Oh yes it is. Bloggers, pls to link Matt's piece.
I think pretty much everything in my RMT piece from last summer still applies today. Note in particular: 1) Low turnout and non-spectacular majority indicating this is a Crow effort not grassroots; 2) Tories using the RMT's intransigence to lobby for (even) more draconian public sector anti-strike rules; 3) DLR, Thameslink, Overground are all working … Continue reading Old Crow from the archives
Clive has a good piece up on CiF on the way that internationally, David Cameron is going to be perceived as the UK's George W Bush, both for his buffoonery and his disdain for international agreements. Being a CiF thread, the comments spiralled into Europhobic lunacy. However, responding to a silly-ish question there did give … Continue reading Isn’t this just obvious to everyone?
Let's assume you're an excellent journalist (yes, I know for most bloggers this would be a bit of a heroic assumption, but never mind). You spend 15 years working your way up through various jobs until you're editor of a national title. You do the job very well. Then the chairman of the large media … Continue reading Nobody who gets anything wrong should ever be allowed to do anything again
In London, the Greens came in ahead of the swivel-eyed loonies and the Nazis. Hurrah!