For those of you who follow me on Twitter, and/or plough through the Twitter updates that get posted here instead of actual blogging, and/or know me in real life, you might be aware that I've been a bit out of sorts for the last couple of weeks. By "a bit out of sorts", I mean, … Continue reading A cock and ball story
This rings bells: During the 1990s boom, the public favored expanded social spending and tax cuts over paying down the national debt. Today, by overwhelming margins, they favor an immediate balanced budget, even in the face of economic catastrophe. That is, of course, insane. But Republicans have taken full advantage of the public’s fiscal insanity. … Continue reading The public get what the public deserve
Is NEF funded by evil right-wing big business, to spread the belief that lefties are idiots who understand fuck all? # If so, its latest report would be an impressive piece of work, and not merely a *facepalm* *spang* *facepalm* disgrace. # Enjoying the way @NewStatesman is currently deploying server-side ad-blocking; wonder if it'll … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-12-20
RT @RadioKate Arriving at my home tube station late last night I was greeted by this fantastic/unexpected sight! # Excellent piece from Unity at LC on the distinction between AGW sceptics (good) and deniers (crazy): # Bring Back Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle: - after 1,000 series, the BBC will have almost atoned … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-12-13
Gambling companies draw a lot of stick for profiting from people with psychological or emotional problems and people with learning difficulties. At their worst, they can offer vestiges of hope to the damaged that lead them into a spiral of addiction and ruin. However, not all attempts by gambling companies to profit on the stupid … Continue reading Profiting from the right kind of idiots
In the wake of the Guardian newspaper's treacherous attempts to photograph the secret, hitherto unseen building at 1 St Mary Axe, everyone considering taking photographs in public places in England and Wales should really ensure they're aware of the complex legal situation surrounding photography. A conventional reading of the law can be seen in this … Continue reading Legal guidelines for photographers in England and Wales
From the amazing Cassetteboy, talking heads discuss the digital future:
1) If the UK had lined up with the rest of Old Europe in opposing the war, how likely would it have been to go ahead anyway? 2) If the war had gone ahead as a unilateral US operation rather than a US/UK operation, would the outcome have been any different, for better or worse? … Continue reading Two questions on Iraq
LHR most destination is JFK according to BAA website, Paris not in top 5 (@hackneye @leylandrichard) # People who use the word "personally", in the context of "that's not what I personally like" etc, should be hanged. Personally. # I hate people who occupy seats on crowded trains with their bags too, but this … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-12-06
I'm not even going to comment; this is too good, and too close to the mark: