#ebz waiting for my new phone to be delivered requires a certain degree of timewasting, hence http://fallenlondon.com/c/38970 # Self-professed 'libertarian' argues for increased public spending on people living abroad: http://bit.ly/bpJCHU # Boo! The hitherto excellent Daily Mash channels Richard bloody Littlejohn with rubbish "PC gorn mad" nursery rhymes: http://bit.ly/d1a4zI # Alex Massie is ace. I … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2010-03-28
A: this is the right thing for a Saturday evening:
When I grow up, I wouldn't object to being an incredibly rich, disgraced, highly influential, not-proven-guilty-of-fraud Wall Street figure and would-be press baron. However, unlike Henry Blodget, I don't think I'd devote a day's worth of output to slating other financial commentators for being insufficiently productive, hard-working, etc. Worrying about the productivity of people who … Continue reading Financeblogger playground spat
Someone found the blog yesterday by Googling for "my right testicle is as big as a kiwi". I hope the story they read had the desired effect - but just to reiterate, if your right testicle is as big as a kiwi, then go see a goddamn doctor RIGHT NOW. Indeed, even if it's only … Continue reading This blog may be of some use after all
In explaining how he avoided falling into the common liberal trap of supporting the Iraq war, Dan Davies listed the maxim "Good ideas do not need lots of lies told about them in order to gain public acceptance". The fact that all the main proponents of the Iraq war were lying like rugs about WMDs … Continue reading Feared by the banks, loved by the gullible
Sarcasm aside, seems fair skills-wise -> RT @davecoleDOTorg Salary for Palace of Westminster lift attendant: £17277 Salary for MP: £64766 # Sitting on world's most excellent view-featuring balcony. Shortly off to remote island for camel rides. Later will fish for oysters. Oh yeah # Any occasion that involves A. Gilligan being roundly told to get … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2010-03-21
...but I'm told this is the unofficial Aussie national anthem:
In line with the whole "theme song for your blog" meme, I've come up with two. One for excellence's sake: ...and for old times' sake:
Halifax UK are the most annoying bank, out of all banks. "Try to transfer money to another UK account from abroad -> suspend account" - garr # Delighted that the best film I've seen in the cinema in about five years won at the Hoscars, much as that reflects my cinema-going # Coke Zero is … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2010-03-14
When it comes to blog promotions, Diamond Geezer is a purist. I'm not. If anyone fancies sending me a bottle of Jameson's in exchange for a blogpost, it goes live the minute the grog arrives (and, using my Viral Drinks Marketing Analysis Skills, there is absolutely no way the grog being marketed in DG's post … Continue reading Advertising policy