Someone's built a website that translates phrases repeatedly into Japanese and back until the phrase stays the same in both languages. So, for a Crazy Friday Competition, I fed in a bunch of lyrics - pretty much all indie/rock stuff from the 1960s through to the 2000s, if that helps - and you have to … Continue reading Lyric translation quiz – WIN BIG PRIZES
Category: Music etc
Still mblogging, so can't face messing about with links. If anything intrigues and confuses you, google is your friend. 1) Stephen Frears's High Fidelity. Best geeky boy film ever, one of best love stories ever, terrifyingly accurate insight into my past relationships ever, etc. I know Nick Hornby also relevant but I've boycotted praising him … Continue reading Top 5 Things That Have Made Me Happy Today
This is a fantastic song: Not to come over all Mark Steyn or anything, but does anyone know if either of the UK performances of The Last Five Years are available in any kind of video bootleg format? Everything I can find on YouTube is either cameraphone footage of the mediocre off-Broadway version, or really … Continue reading Unlimited time