From Ars Technica, enlightening the 'net neutrality' debate, a piece on the corrupt institutions and robber barons who hijacked the Victorian equivalent of the Internet. This digression was interesting: The result was the infamous Credit Mobilier scandal of the 1870s... Rather than license the construction of the Union Pacific railroad to an independent contractor, its … Continue reading Mmm, tempura morays
Category: Gimpy internet nonsense
Hate to say it but I'm with Murdoch on this - - printworkers shouldn't have a veto over editorial content, however vile # ULTIMATE EVIL FTW -> RT @krishgm we report Microsoft is talking to Murdoch about paying for exclusive content access to take on Google # Very much enjoying the Jordan Wimmer / … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-11-29
Slightly late to #PaulClarke - as far as I can see, everyone did their job except the jury, who are scum and need crucified. # That's not quite fair - clearly whoever pressed charges is an arse, but this is exactly the kind of case that juries are for. # Oh no: Ewar Woowar is … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-11-22
I've been feeling thoroughly ill all day... but am delighted to note that, unlike @robbrydon, I don't now have to go and talk to C Moyles # RT @olibeale If I was James Earl Jones i'd walk aroung all day singing "I'm James Earl Jones and I like it" to the tune of "I kissed … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-11-15
is now departing Chhatrapati Shivaji International on Jet Airways (India) Powered by Lufthansa - # Comment WIN: "Melanie Phillips would accuse her husband of anti-semitism if he didn't do the dishes on time" # RT @dontgetfooled Monbiot on the crucial, oft-misunderstood, distinction between being a skeptic and being a sucker: # New … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-11-08
In tabbed browsers, clicking a link with the middle button opens the link you've clicked in a new tab. This is a useful piece of functionality. If you set your web page up to get round this feature, so that clicking the middle button opens the link in the same tab as the page you're … Continue reading Dear web developers
A good piece on sensible-debate versus actual-politics from Andrew R, based on real science: # Remote nowhere was excellent, incidentally. All foreign phone roaming disabled, so absolutely no outside-worldery impinging on anything. # Not a huge J Carr fan, but he's right here (and funny) and his critics are idiots: # S Fry … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-11-01
Weird lurker Cruise, you are wrong: the Lulu & The Lampshades song is properly lovely, and you have no sense of joy or sweetness # is now departing London Heathrow on British Airways Powered by Lufthansa - # Forsaking night out in Hyderabad with former colleagues (now vaguely-sister-company types) in favour of work and … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-10-25
now using MySkyStatus - # Duncan Bannatyne: prick - # "I agree with C Hitchens that champagne among 4 most overrated things in the world, with lobster, picnics and anal sex" # (note to self: do not go on a champagne and lobster picnic with C Hitchens) # New rule of thumb: … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-10-18
Inbound plane has finally landed. So if nothing else goes wrong we'll only be 5 hours late # Something else went wrong, so we were 5h45m late despite some heroic high-speed flying. Better get some bloody compo # Poor red pandas, destined forever to disappoint people who click headlines about them # like lionel blair, … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2009-10-11