Are you aware of all Internet traditions? If not, why not try this handy slideshow? (also, this)
Category: Gimpy internet nonsense
It's like a 1950s children's guide to the police, but ever so slightly different. Excellent comedy.
This is an absolutely superb generator of ignorant nonsense. It's nominally a tribute to the BBC's Have Your Say, but is quite an effective simulation of most right-wing blog comments. Sample: Twas ever thus. here come the pc brigade and the nanny state! Gordon Brown is going to put us all in Death Camps. It … Continue reading Automatic comment generator
Yes, I know that I'm 29 years old, middle class and white. But fuck it, this is awesome: (yup, it is indeed from this. How did you guess? And yes, I am indeed quite grumpy that I've got to go out every night this week. Can't people leave me alone for, ooh, a month or … Continue reading It goes e-e-e-e-ow e-e-e-e-e-e-blaow
You'll be delighted to hear that The Sharpener is back online and that I have a new post there on why it's right to treat politics as a trivial and irrelevant sideshow. Also, now that the Sharpener is back up, I'm going to try and get back into the habit of putting my political stuff … Continue reading Good news, everybody
Today's "this is what the Internet was invented for" site is the automatic random proverb generator. Favourites it's given me include: Blood is thicker than the eye of the beholder. He who lives by the sword shall die by a vacuum. A little learning is money. Quality stuff. From B3ta, obviously. As is this link: … Continue reading A lie has a good ending
The world's first ever Rickmob happened yesterday at Liverpool Street station. Awesome stuff. Added bonus: if you watch the video, you may notice a special guest appearance from your effervescent host...