Can some Eurologist like @nosemonkey explain how the BNP got a seat in NW on 8% of vote, but not in E Mids or NE on more than that? # RT @qwghlm In case you haven't seen it already, B3ta sums it up best #theBNParetwats # Thanks everyone. Why on earth didn't they make … Continue reading Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-14
Category: Gimpy internet nonsense
UKIP aren't just comedy loons, they're lying bigots: #ukiparetwats # Green Party in 'don't understand decentralised decision-making or economics; are hacks' shock: # Eric Moody may be an ex-BA captain, but he's also a disgraceful rentaquote hack: # CNN were reading off messageboard posts from an unmoderated aeroplane fans' forum last night … Continue reading Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-07
Not enjoying return to work. Feel utterly poleaxed, even though Monday was a day of great sobriety and moderation. # "What's *like* Butt Hole but slightly more polite?" "I know, 'Archer'!" # @antonvowl @billybragg bloody hell, that's some scary voodoo you've got there # Germans in 'even more terrifyingly insane than us' award: … Continue reading Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-31
"Why is the misfortune of losing a pet worthy of more consolation than the much greater one of being stupid?" # A sledgehammer to crack a nutjob: #sackdorries #reformdaftenglishlibellaw #thebarclaybrothersarevilecrooks # Victoria Coren is t3h excellents: # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Freemania has done tagged me with a meme: 7 things I love. Not in order, and probably not accurate. 1) intelligent girl-pop. c.f. 2) Chris Morris. Explanation required? Go elsewhere. 3) London. Everything about London. Name a thing you don't like about London and I'll like it. Well, apart from fiver-a-mile cab fares. 4) Writing. … Continue reading Meme meme meme
In an example of 'embarrassing lack of imagination', I'm going to post the top words that my phone believes I want to type when presented with a given letter. Maybe this could be a new meme, if people are really that bored. NB I use my phone to blog, Twitter and send work emails, as … Continue reading Top words
So, I can access the wp-admin and the database now, but the site bit is still blank... weird. This time it was Indian spammers rather than Chinese spammers, exacerbated by my host's good-really-I-know-but-still-infuriating security policy, my lack of access to computers that aren't insanely locked down and/or that don't access the internet, and the increased … Continue reading Almost nearly there
When citing rest-stop graffitti: 1. List the name of the rest area (if it has a name) in italics. 2. Name the state in which it was located. 3. Name the highway it abuts (with direction headed). 4. List the nearest mile marker. 5. List the date the graffitti was observed. Example: "Head you wouldn't … Continue reading Alternative sources
Sure, we've all been making this bad joke for years, but none of us never got around to recording the song:
Apologies for lack of offensiveness: (via DJCJD)