- RT @madeupstats: 2 out of 3 fugitive Serbian warlords is now a social media consultant. #
- Good morning Melbourne. In posh hotel with lovely @chrissiem: yay. She has to spend day at conference and I have to spend day writing: boo! #
- Although both parties are a bit lacking on the humane-to-refugees front, not having another debate is a humane-to-Australians win #ausvotes #
- Crowdsourcing: should I subscribe to Crikey, now my trial's almost over? It's awesome, but it's also $150. And I disapprove of paywalls…. #
- Down to only 4 'action required' messages in my inbox. Efficiency WOO! And yes, of course I'm putting off real work, how did you guess? #
- Went up a tower. It was tall. #Vodafail and #Virginfail prevented me from tweeting about it at the time… #
- Missing @stephenfry right now, but Avalon "airport"'s "bar" almost makes up for it… @chrissiem's presence definitely helps. #
- Grolsch for $10 per 6-pack at BWS (with Woolworth's card) is a good deal. Shame I don't live anywhere near a BWS… #
- MP for Penrith (UK) fails hard : http://bit.ly/cao0nS – is there something about place name that makes politicians even worse than normal? #
- Unsurprisingly, I was right about the Brandweek piece on Old Spice being cobblers: month-on-month sales are up 100% http://bit.ly/bvtXPI #
- Pleased to see @roooney83 in the Crikey mailout for busting a racist Lib candidate. Good work fella. In other news, yes I'm gonna subscribe. #
- Dear Heinz. Tins of chicken with chicken legs, dancing to the Birdie Song, is very creepy, and not at all likely to make me want chicken. #
- Making details of everywhere you go available in realtime to anyone who wants to look you up might not be good: http://bit.ly/bUMYXR #shock #
- Why you should never rely on proprietary externally hosted software to store things you care about: http://bit.ly/bNnnG #obvious #
- Correct link for "not relying on proprietary software" tweet. Yes, I relish the irony: http://bit.ly/cAE1J9 (cheers @preachypreach) #
- Fact for day: the average BP employee gets paid US$120,000 a year. That makes Tony Hayward's salary seem quite moderate, really… #
- When I worked as an attendant for Shell, I was employed by Shell directly on a permanent contract – wld be amazed if either occurred now #
- Things the UK does well: TV, movies. Things the UK government wants to abolish: the BBC, the UK Film Council #rightwing=stupid #
- RT @wolfcat: randomrant: So you’re not going to vote Labor because of #nocleanfeed… http://bit.ly/aoahch #ausvotes #
- No fan of UK govt, but seeing a western leader both slating Israel for Gaza policy and backing India over Pakistan is distinctly welcome. #
- Twee but amusant: RT @mpesce: The best of #wookieleaks – http://tinyurl.com/26tk43z #
- I has subscribed to Crikey. First online content I've ever paid (my own money) for. It was the @firstdogonmoon playing cards that sealed it! #
- A letter from a real estate agent to "the owner" explaining how much property prices have risen in my district #thingsmylandlordwillneversee #
- The Facebook 'breach' is an epic non-story: http://bit.ly/c0edU1 – publicly available information made, erm, available to the public. #
- I'm now checked into CX162 to Hong Kong. The trip's finally starting to feel real. In other news, I'm now officially an Australian business! #
- The only thing that can kill an IKEA glass is another IKEA glass. Proven by experiment. #terrifyingScandewegianvoodoo #
- Dianetics. Just, fucking dianetics. #selfhelpfail #
- I actually love this pic too – RT @ChrissieM: Myself and @johnb78 outside the MCG on the weekend. http://bit.ly/dn1UDf *squee!* #
- I genuinely rate the UK's film-making talent and would suggest that only the US has a better movie record #filmconfessions #
- I like this article. The whole point about the UK is *we're not Catholic*, so why're we feting that sick cult's leader? http://bit.ly/9F8CKO #
- The, erm, 20th-ish plane out of Sydney's almost gone, and in only 10 hours I'll be landing in Hong Kong #barneseylied #
- Hooray, am in the UK, *and* Twitter's working now. Mild #branefale from flight; not so much jetlag as '42 hours without bed'… #
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