- Wow, I managed to confine drunken lunacy to Skype last night – no visible online traces. #
- Not another bloody ash cloud? Thor will, clearly, have his revenge. Hope they're gone by August… #
- If you think teaching The Wire in university seminars is 'dumbing down', you're officially the dumb one http://bit.ly/a6j8rp #
- #ebz The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat! Sits on your chest when you're sleeping flat! http://fallenlondon.com/c/81591 #
- This is good: http://www.newscientist.com/special/living-in-denial #
- Amused to see Lord Triesman forced to resign for saying things which *everyone knows to be true*. #
- My gf has pointed out that I should contribute to #bandfoodpuns, but I can't actually think of any. Today is not a good day for me… #
- Haha, #abbottfail – of course he's right, but *sheesh that was daft*… #
- .@DMiliband @tugsandtost Forward not backward! And always twirling, twirling to victory. Sheesh, could you get any cheesier? #
- Seriously, I've been out of the UK for a while; is this some kind of wind-up? http://bit.ly/a3hVMu – if not (probably anyway) I'm staying #
- Quick blast of #ebz then bed, as I need to get up early tomorrow. Yes, me, sensible. Shocking! http://fallenlondon.com/c/82830 #
- Because it isn't getting airplay on commercial radio #thatswhyyoursingle #isntsellingverywell #
- I've never had to go to town in a hooded raincoat *and* sunnies before. Well, except when I auditioned for the Matrix #sydneyweather #
- On the one hand, I'm sure the illumination of night CityRail trains deters crime and general badness. On the other hand, GRR TOO BRIGHT! #
- Tea, #ebz and then bed. A good night. http://fallenlondon.com/c/84034 #
- Comedy legal ruling of the day: http://www.workerscompensation.com/compnewsnetwork/blogwire/7887.html #
- This is properly insane (via @bengoldacre) – really does make one feel slightly Littlejohn-ish http://bit.ly/9rVZJe http://dlvr.it/15ddb #
- RT @chickyog Con-Dems to stop deportation of LGBT asylum seekers when 'at proven risk of imprisonment, torture or execution'. Bloody lefties #
- Likewise. On reflection, DOH. RT @mePadraigReidy No one would have sex with me as a teenager cos it never occurred to me to ask them #
- No. I literally can't. CITE? RT @juliebindel Can you believe the coalition intends to introduce anonymity for men accused of rape? #
- See also RT @randomrightwingnutter Can you believe the coalition intends to give every terrorist a council house and gbp50k in benefits? #
- Apologies @juliebindel – yes, they do. That's shitty. Links are brilliant, why not try them? p24 http://bit.ly/9xkg03 (link via @steff631) #
- I think he misspelt "demonise" RT @libcon How to democratise Oxbridge http://bit.ly/bHolgX #
- The Hitchhiker's Guide To Milton Keynes #lesserbooks #
- The Reasonably Bearable Lightness Of Being #lesserbooks #
- The Not Really Holy, More Just A Collection Of Old Laws, Stories And Proverbs Bible #lesserbooks #
- For The Term Of Six Months, With Time Off For Good Behaviour #lesserbooks #
- The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Embryo #lesserbooks #
- Brief #ebz break http://fallenlondon.com/c/85846 #
- The Diamond As Big As Quite A Big Diamond #lesserbooks #
- The Rock Of Crack As Big As Quite A Big Rock Of Crack #lesserbooks #
- Lib-left qn: why the fuck does the otherwise sane Dsquared have such a hard-on for the US federal justice system? http://bit.ly/cK5svw #
- enjoying revolving restaurant japery with assorted sydney tweeps. Hurrah! #
- A lovely weekend with @ChrissieM and crazy Sydney tweeps. Now a bit of #ebz before INFINITE WORK MONDAY http://fallenlondon.com/c/88214 #
- Londoners are sunbathing. We've got the heater on. Them's the breaks, I guess. #
- ACES! RT@catdonn "I was born, lucky me. In the land that I love. Though I’m poor, I am free" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4VdcMXVO_g #
- ACES! RT @catdonn "I was born, lucky me. In the land that I love. Though I’m poor, I am free" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4VdcMXVO_g #
- My blog is buggered, FYI – have asked the host about why: looks like their DB server is down, but I may have been spam-attacked again… #
- Blog now fixed, within an hour of notifying the fault, on a Sunday. Mythic Beasts are ace hosts. #
- "enormous social damage caused by computer misuse not recognized" > because it doesn't exist. Idiot. http://www.socialistunity.com/?p=4930 #
- .@jackofkent PR campaigns that favour liberal outcomes are to be encouraged, surely? – PR's a tool for good or bad, not the enemy itself #
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