- Just caught up on the Adebayor stuff. As is often the case, football confuses me. #
- Stamping on Persie's face v bad, victory dance in front of Gooner fans hilarious – but he seems to be getting most stick for the latter #
- Bloody rain. Actually, bloody rain would be far better than the watery rain that's currently about #
- Keys. They're shit. See also: flatmates being on holiday is shit; supposedly cheap London hotels are shit #
- Reunited with keys. O frabjous day. #
- I endorse this sentiment: RT @quantick My hangover is so bad I just shouted at it. #
- The posh deli at St Pancras wants gbp3 for a bottle of Sam Smiths IPA. It's less than that in the pub, ffs… #
- ?!?!?!?: http://twitpic.com/i8ayg (via @catdonn) #
- Another day, another moronic 'scientist' trying to destroy childhood: http://bit.ly/T2r69 #
- Disagree with @libcon on B Scotland http://bit.ly/DxHSq – nowt wrong with employing illegals, but ministers shld follow their own silly laws #
- The pub opposite Archway station has a big sign up advertising that it cashes cheques for commission. Is it me, or is that kinda sad? #
- A superb piece of historical context from the Economist re Islamophobic scaremongering – http://tinyurl.com/lhajft #
- Earliest Sat night EVAH. Am officially lame. Nice to be in own bed for once tho. #
- RT @drsamueljohnson Mister BAIRD'S Idiot-Lantern makes a Buffoon of every Man, esp. when enact'd by fellow Scotchman COLTRANE #
- The only alternative to Frog a la Peche is even worse: Peche a la Frog #
- If anyone isn't watching @james_blue_cat livetweet the midsomer murders in french, they should be #
- Peep Show 6.1 quite surprisingly good. 4OD player really quite dreadful. Why do people who aren't the BBC have to make decent telly? #
- (and yes, I know that Peep Show is pretty much the sole .uk example of people who aren't the BBC making decent telly) #
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